Top Prizes Awarded in Intervala's 2020 Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest

What makes an ugly Christmas sweater truly ugly? Is it tacky tinsel, droopy pompoms and safety-pinned mini ornaments? Or maybe it’s an unsettling depiction of Santa as a body builder or a green hooded poncho fashioned as a decorated Christmas tree. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but we can all agree that the entries to Intervala’s third annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest were decidedly unattractive. Congrats to this year’s ugly sweater victors, Megan Billingsley, Heather Connor, Molly (Mariva) Galvin, Genell Jasper, Priscilla Maldonado and Floyd Omecinski who took home valuable prizes for their demonstration of Christmas spirit! Thanks also to all the good-humored participants! Happy holidays!

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Colleen Clements